Friday, February 13, 2009


You know, right? Jan knows it -- she's course chairman for the NC Marathon, and she has spent many hours plotting that little green arrow to come up with the marathon, half-marathon, and 5k courses. They look great, though, and should be posted on soon.

The site is a great tool, especially if you find yourself in a new city and want to figure out mileage for a nice loop. 

So I'm home, not traveling, just sitting here playing on the site. My M-W-F running partner's been out west skiing, and I'm trying to get myself out the door. As a stalling tactic, I decided to confirm the mileage of one of my neighborhood loops. Nope, hasn't changed since last time I checked three months ago. Guess it's time to get out there...


  1. When are they going to break out the half-marathon course? Me and several others are anxious to get a few runs in on it!

  2. Hi Matt,

    Sorry for the delay in posting the maps. We've been waiting for good weather for our course certifier. But the half-marathon follows the first 8 miles of the marathon course before heading south back to town while the marathoners head north. Hope that helps, Lisa

  3. That does help, thanks Lisa!
