Thursday, February 12, 2009

Runner's story #3: Canuck from the North

Another contribution, this one from Phil, also a Saturday morning Country Park BlueLiner. Keep 'em coming!

"I'm a Canadian and I love hockey. For 30 years it was my passion. Running had one purpose: to get in shape for hockey. In high school I won the freshmen race but was not invited to run track. Oh, to be rejected. I changed schools in 12th grade, and once again outran others in gym class. Coach Tom Graham, bless his soul, asked me to run in the regional cross-country finals in a week. No training, just go. I finished third overall and qualified for the Ontario finals. That started my running more than 40 years ago, with that nugget of encouragement from Tom.
   Over the next 15 years I'd start running and quit about 20 times, and smoke cigars. but one cold November day in Erie, PA, in 1987, I ran about .75 miles and walked home. The next morning I ran 4 miles, and built up to 10 in a month, under 70 minutes. I ran the Pittsburgh Marathon in 1988 and was hooked; I ran my first Boston in 1990, and cried.
  I look back over 50,000 miles and 37 marathons, including 13 Bostons, and more than 100 10ks in under 40 minutes. But more important are the folks I've met and places I've met them. Runners are a special breed, whether it's a jabbering Scottish runner in Edinburgh, and Australian banker in Tokyo, or the Blueliners in Greensboro. What I love most about running is there are no facades, you are who you are, $100 shoes don't make you any faster."

1 comment:

  1. Phil - glad your travels landed you in Greensboro. As for the $100 shoes, remember Rick's motto: "If I can't be fast, I want to at least look good!"
